Recent work - Danza del Sol Winery monument and directional signage

Danza del Sol Winery monument sign

Here is a nice project Big City Signs got to do recently. This winery in Temecula near San Diego CA had a main monument sign that was ready to be replaced.

Below is a photo of the original sign… and the proposal drawing of its upgraded replacement.

Danza del Sol Winery monument sign before photo
Danza del Sol Winery monument sign drawing

Photos below show progress of the project.

Demolition was pretty easy - the wood posts were cut flush at the bottom.

The progress of the project included applying gold leaf to a laser-cut acrylic logo. Gold leaf is applied onto semi-dry “gold size” in this process. Photo below shows the gold size being applied.

After that, the decorative “S” scrolls were assembled with the frame. That assembly was installed onto the concrete block base.

Concrete board was installed over that frame, then decorative stone installed.

Danza del Sol Winery monument logo gold size
Danza del Sol Winery frame assembly
Danza del Sol Winery concrete board applied
Danza del Sol Winery monument stone work in progress

Final photo below shows a before/after comparison. This will be a great, long-lasting sign upgrade!

Danza del Sol Winery monument sign before and after

Next, the directional sign needed some attention. It was a lot easier to do — it has the same decorative scroll at the top installed with simple brackets, and an overlay onto the existing sign.

First, the before photo, below… then the completion photo.

Danza del Sol Winery directional sign before photo
Danza del Sol Winery directional sign completed

You might be thinking about getting this kind of project done, Do you know where to start? I can tell you - contact me, Paul Borne (president of Big City Signs) to find out more.

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